Johann Dubez (1828-1891) Obras para guitarra

Johann Dubez (1828-1891)fue un musico vienes de cierto renombre en su tiempo que comenzo sus actividades musicales como violinista. Estudio guitarra con Johan K. Mertz y probablemente con Regondi durante su visita a Viena en 1841.


Johann Dubez (1828-1891) was a Viennese musician of some renown in his time who began his musical activities as a violinist. He studied the guitar with Johann Kaspar Mertz, and probably also with Giulio Regondi during the latterÆs visit to Vienna in1841. Later in life he adopted the harp and the zither and published a considerable number of compositions for these instruments. Although he had written quite extensively for the guitar, he only published during his life time two of his guitar works, the present Fantaisie on Hungarian Themes, and a Fantaisie on themes from DonizettiÆs Lucia de Lammermoor. The Bojie Collection in Stockholm holds several autograph manuscripts of other guitar pieces by Dubez.

This composition is based on melodies from the opera Hunyadi Laszló by Ferenc Erkel (1810-1893), interspersed with popular arrangements of traditional verbunkos themes, also by Erkel. The csárdás movement (the Andante sections on pp. 3 and 9) is particularly emotive of the style hongrois, as is the Rákóczi March. DubezÆ elaboration of this famous theme, seems to be a straight transcription of the 1840 piano arrangement of it by Erkel which could very well have been the source forBerliozÆ and LisztÆs adaptations of the Rákóczi March. Of particular significance is the closing chorus, ôDead is the Intriguer,ö from Act I of Hunyadi Laszló, already presented in the Overture to the opera. It is developed here by Dubez in several challenging variations.

Descarga partituras

Catálogo Boije

Dubez, J. Achte oder blütige Fantaisie … Boije 663
Dubez, J. Conzert-Polonaise componirt für die 10 saitige Guitarre … Boije 676
Dubez, J. ”Erinnerung an Bucarest”. Conzert-Potpourri fûr die 10-saitige Guitarre. Boije 677
Dubez, J. Fantaisie … Boije 665
Dubez, J. Fantaisie … Boije 667
Dubez, J. Fantaisie sur des motifs hongrois … Boije 661
Dubez, J. Fantaisie über ein Volkslied … Boije 673
Dubez, J. Freie Fantaisie …. Boije 666
Dubez, J. Freie Fantasie … Boije 671
Dubez, J. Grande Marche Persanne. Boije 674
Dubez, J. Marche … Boije 670
Dubez, J. Quatre Pieces … 1. Ach, so fromm’. Aus der Oper Martha. 2. Ragozy Marsch. 3 Hujnady und 4. Czardas … Boije 669
Dubez, J. Schubert. Trauerwalzer mit Variazionen … Boije 678
Dubez, J. ”Türkischer Marsch” … Boije 675
Dubez, J. Walzer. Boije 664
Dubez, J. Walzer in D u. G. … Boije 672
Dubez, J. Variationen … Boije 668
Dubez, J. Op. 2. Fantaisie sur des motifs de l’Opéra: Lucia di Lammermoor … Boije 662
Dubez, J. Op. 4. Variationen … Boije 891




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