Pieces by Corbetta from Castillion’s Liege Manuscript (tablatura)

Most people who play the baroque guitar today are familiar with the manuscript of music by François Le Cocq and other guitarists, B:Bc.Ms.S5615 copied by the Flemish clergyman and guitarist, Jean-Baptiste de Castillion in 1730. It is less well known that Castillion copied another manuscript of seventeenth-century guitar music now in the library of the Conservatoire Royal de Musique in Liège, B:Lc.Ms.245.

…The main interest lies in the substantial number of pieces attributed to Francesco Corbetta. Two of these are from his “Varii Capricii per la Ghittara Spagnuola” (1643) and nine from “La Guitarre Royale” (1671). However, fifty of the pieces are not found in any of Corbetta’s surviving printed books.


selected pieces for barroque guitar-corbetta


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