Franz Schubert music with guitar:A study of the guitar´s role in Biedermeier Vienna

Centered in nineteenth-century Vienna, the Biedermeier era was characterized by intense political upheaval contrasted by free-spirited social and cultural innovation and style. This treatise focuses on Franz Schubert’s chamber music with guitar and the broader cultural context in which his works were performed. Schubert’s use of the instrument in varied ensemble settings reveals the guitar as an integral part of the Biedermeier musical experience. This text also explores the domestic musical environment surrounding nineteenth-century guitar luminaries such as Mauro Giuliani.

Escrito por Stephen Patrick Mattingly

In addition to this treatise, Stephen Mattingly has recently recorded Schubert’s complete chamber music with guitar. This unique recording will be released in spring 2007 with an enhanced, interactive CD-ROM component. The project was made possible under the auspices of the Theodore Presser Foundation.

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