A history of mandolin construction

The Mandolin Project is now available and details the construction of four mandolins, including
– a flat-top/flat-back,
– a bent-top/flat-back,
– a Celtic carved-top/flat-back. and
– a fully carved A style
The book is comprehensively illustrated with photographs, diagrams and plans and includes an extensive chapter on the history of the mandolin.
It is published with ‘lay-flat’ perfect binding, though I do have some ring-bound copies available.
It is now available as an epub for $9.99. Please click on the button on the left. The book is also being prepared for Apple’s new iBooks format and that will hopefully be available through the iBookstore by the middle of 2012.The dowloaded .zip file contains the plans as a printable pdf
The Table of Contents, the introductory chapter (500kb pdf) and a History of Mandolin Construction (1Mb pdf) can be downloaded.

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mandolin-introductory chapter

mandolin-table of contents

a history of mandolin construction




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